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  • 1) Each forum contains its own specific Q & A plus other information; there are a number of guidelines and FAQs. Therefore it is essential to read up prior to asking. Before posting use the search function, there is so much information you will more than likely find that your question has already been answered.
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  • How not to post on this forum can be summed up with the following scenario: You submit a post and after a short period of time you reply to your own post by saying, “I feel sure someone must know how to help me, so why has no one?” When someone does reply to your post, if their response is not what you expected or wanted then do not insult them. Never ask “What do you think?” this question cannot be answered objectively because everyone has their own view point of what they think is best, this may not be best for you.
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Goldfish Club

Goldfish Society of Great BritainAmerican Ranchu Society North American Veiltail Association Blue Egg Phoenix Preservation Society

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