Beginner Guide - Requirement for Goldfish Tank
This document is for those of us who are new to goldfish keeping and want to keep goldfish in a proven method by experienced breeders. It might be different from the advice from your local fish store or another internet site. Our intention is not to keep fish merely a live in the tank but to make our beloved fish strong and healthy. Lets try our best for our babies .
What is required
Tank(required) 40 G breeder tank for 3 fish maximum. Goldfish prefer a large surface area and a 40 g breeder tank has a good surface area compared to other aquariums at the same size. It is recommended to have 15 20 gallon per fish.
We recommend 40G Breeder tank Or Laguna Tubs
Air Pump(required)- A good air pump is required to give surface agitation which helps for gas exchange. We recommend Tetra Whisper (space ship shape) air pump. It is quiet and gives a lot of air for the tank.
Link to Tetra air pump Air Stone(required)- We prefer ceramic ball air stone which gives a lot of air and less maintenance.
Link to Ceramic ball air stoneDigital Thermometer(required) It is necessary to know the temperature of your tank especially while doing water changes.
Sponge Filter(required) For our beloved goldfish, a simple sponge filter is the best choice of filter type. It is easy to maintain and efficient to run.
Link to the product Water Conditioner(required) - Most of us live in the area where the municipal water is treated with a lot of chemicals such as Chlorine and Chloramines. Water conditioners will remove all of those chemicals for our beloved goldfish. We recommend Seachem Prime.
Link to the Product Water Changer(required) Water changer is another good investment for us. It makes our life so easy as a result we can do a lot of water changing and it is beneficial for our little fish friends.
Link to the product Small Plastic Bowl (required) It is recommended to have a plastic bowl about 24 in diameter to hold fish temporarily while doing water changes.
Mechanical Filter (optional) Mechanical filter will make the water super clean and also will need the Nitrogen cycle. Our approach will not depend on a mechanical filter. If you really want to use a mechanical filter, we recommend Aquaclear power filter. The flow rate should be 5 to 7 times the size of the tank. For example, if you have 40 g tank, the filter should have 200 to 280 gallons per hours.
Link to the product Heater (Optional) If you put your fish indoors where the temperature range is from (60F 85F), it is not necessary to have a heater. But you might keep one for medication purposes. The recommendation for a heater is controversial and it is recommended to buy a submersible one.
Lighting (Optional) Lighting is optional for goldfish keepers unless the fish room is completely dark 24/7. LED light is a good option for the long run although the start up cost is a bit higher at the moment.
Link to the product