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Goldfish Culling - Blue Egg Phoenix By Harris(Harzan)

The Blue Egg Phoenix (BEP) is a very old variety of goldfish that has its “true blue” still in tact. If a specimen does not keep its color and changes to white or red and white, it is a hybrid. The BEP would be considered a rare breed as it has not reached the commercial market place, even in the busy Hong Kong goldfish market. Because of this, there is not a known standard for this breed to date.

Given this, we look at the obvious features of this variety which is also it’s name…the Blue Egg Phoenix. A blue fish with an egg shaped body and a long tail. Other features are:

Head:No head growth, pointed nose similar to a fantail

Tail:Forked, double tail

Dorsal fin:Absent

When culling for this variety, one may find him or herself more flexible or liberal as this variety has several issues that are reoccurring. There are fused tails, incorrect forking, crimped tails, single or NO anal fins, bent gill covers, and knobs on the back.

At three weeks CULLING begins. At this age one can see the general shape of the tail. Viewing from above, cull all tails that are lop sided, appear to be closed together, or show any sign of being bent or crimped. Looking from above, any fish showing a tail set less than a 40 degree angle should be culled. If you prefer to view this variety from above, then you may select for a wider tail set.

Between the 4th to the 12th week, one should have a good idea of what the tail and top line of the backs will be looking like. During this period, eliminate backs that are flat or that are not a smooth egg shaped back. If a fish does not have two anal fins, CULL it. Single and no anal fins are common issues and should no be perpetuated. Mouths that are not as sharp may be smaller fish that will not grow out well.

If the tail is not split when the fish are approx 1.5 inches long, the breeder needs to determine if there is enough of a breeding colony to perpetuate a breeding program.

Goldfish Club

Goldfish Society of Great BritainAmerican Ranchu Society North American Veiltail Association Blue Egg Phoenix Preservation Society

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