Goldfish Culling - Scale Types By Dave Mandley (3/4)
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Pseudomattes are nacreous fish with the mock metallic gene instead of a nacreous metallic,gene, Again when crossing a mock to a nacreous fish in the F1 you get normal looking nacreous fish with normal looking metallic’s. When siblings are crossed you then get pseudomatte fish and asorted metallic’s, 50% mock and 50% metallic. The F1 are a dangerous fish to use as you can not sight identify what you are passing along, the mock non demeaniziing gene or the normal metallic gene. A single transparency gene or a double.I have used these fish[mocks] to remove the blue from shubunkins and make yellow shubunkins. red and white. I have used them to create super blue shubunkins, purple and black shubunkin lines.

This picture of a pseudo has light reflecting to hide the purple tint of the abdomen. 32 is Yellow pseudomatte shubunkins.I used mock metallic yellow to eliminate the blue.
Matte fish can be single mattes or double matte fish. Mattes crossed to metallics again produce nacreous. Lets start the puzzle going. You buy fish of unknown origin and you sight identify your fish as matte and metallic. Single matte to normal metallic. double matte to normal metallic. matte 1&2 to metallic with bluebelly gene and matte 1 &2 to mock metallic gene . All will look the same but the end results are totoally different.

This is not a matte, it is a bluebelly with no guanine.
Color mattes are fish that are homozygous for their trait and when crossed to a metallic produce heterozygous nacreous fish. Color mattes are the pinkies with color. The midnight is the black variant. the sky blue is another. These two fish carry usually one or two colors. the Camelot is all the colors. the camelot has evolved in 14 years of my breeding them to have normal eyes, solid gill plates and reflective scales. they breed 100% true and by definition when crossed to a metallic produce 100 % nacreous fish. I have introduced my fish to the commercial world where one half the acreage is needed to produce the same amount of calico fish for sale. it save s the farm space ,food ,water and man hours as they do not need to be sexed or culled for metallics.I have developed a new variant that will soon replace the color mattes as this fish is more efficient and a lot hardier than a matte, again with no culling,

2.White pinkie
21.Camelot color shubunkins
6.Bristol matte
22.matte fish that looks metallic
Sight identification is the wrong approach to breeding fish for the serious hobbyist.
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